About Durbin Creek Elementary
Durbin Creek is the home of the Explorers and we are proud to have planet Earth as our logo. Our vision and mission clearly state who we are and what we are attempting to accomplish with all of our students. Relationships with our students and their families are a high priority. We will work with you to create a rich learning environment for your child. At the same time, we will focus on Character building through our Outstanding Explorer expectations. Our teachers love what they do and are dedicated to the success of each individual child. We round out our academic rigor with fun and engaging resource classes which include physical education, music, art, media and STEM. The resource team works closely with grade level teams to ensure rich experiences for all students.
Mission Statement
Making positive contributions to society by expanding minds to explore our expanding world.
Vision Statement
Durbin Creek Elementary School will promote a positive educational environment conducive to learning. We will promote respect, caring and a sense of community. Durbin Creek Elementary will develop an atmosphere where students develop a strong desire to learn, excel, and develop excellent character.
Our History
Durbin Creek Elementary was constructed in 2003 but our history goes back to the opening of Fruit Cove School in 2001. We were, at that time, part of the K-8th grade student body. When the new school in which we reside was built, we moved K-4th grade into the building with us. We left behind our 5th graders as we grew too large for our building. The next year, 2004, marked a joyous event as 5th grade returned home to us. Durbin Creek was a prototype school for St. Johns County with a physical environment designed for flexibility of instruction. The county has since constructed more elementary schools like ours. The school is designed in houses with each house consisting of eight classrooms. Classroom walls are moveable and each house has its own large common area and two kitchens. Instruction can take place at anytime, anywhere and allows for the maximum flexibility for teachers and students.
Parent / Teacher Organization
Working with our PTO, we are focused on increasing technology and access to devices throughout the school. We are so proud and thankful for this partnership.